File: SECT04.WM of Tape: Various/ETH/s10-diss
(Source file text) 

			    -  56  -


1). Multiple wave scattering.

a). Introduction.
The transition probabilities treated in the preceeding section

were all written in function of plane wave states |k>. In a

real metal the state of an electron on some specific part of

the Fermi-surface is surely described by a more complicated

wave function. One always has to solve a Schroedinger equation

like the one given in eq.3.3. The important point is that one

has to include some previous knowledge, i.e. use the symmetry

properties of the metal whose Fermi-surface we want to deter-

mine. This is done by substituting |k> by a wave function

having a basis containing at least the essential elements of

the metals symmetry and then expanding the pseudowavefunction

(4.1)    &f\k\(r)  =  ---  $S  a\n\(k) exp(i(k-q\n\).r)
                   $R &O  
where the set <q\n\> is the reciprocal lattice vector basis.

The vector a\n\(k) is the eigenvector corresponding to the

eigenvalue k(E\F\) when the following equation is solved,
(4.2)  a\n\(k)[--(k-q\n\)^2^ - E\F\]&d     + $Sa\l\(k)<k-q\n\|V|k-q\l\> = 0
             2m              q\n\q\l\   

			    -  57  -

Having now expressed our solution as a pseudowavefunction

&f\k\, we must also use these in the golden rule of eq.3.31.

This leaves us with a double sum over matrix elements weighted

by products of a\n\(k). We shall call this the k representation

for the scattering probability P\kk'\. This is the represen-

tation most suited for numerical calculations and it is the one

we used in our OPW calculations.
b). Amplitude factors.
Sorbello(1974) has shown that it is advantageous to change over

to what we shall call the l representation. This representation

in angular momentum and phase shift has the advantage that one

can truncate the l summation at a small l\m\. By using the

T-matrix approach and the optical theorem he obtains an

expression for the scattering time &t:
@ea                       l\m\
          1          8E\F\
(4.3)   -----   =   ----  $S   (2l+1) F\l\(k) sin^2^(&d\l\)
        &t\o\(k)       3&ph'Z

(4.4)   F\l\(k)  =  ----  $S    | $S  a\n\(k) Y^*^\lm\(k-q\n\) |^2^
                        m=-l   n
The constant in eq.4.3 is: 0.85E\F\/Z when &t is to be

expressed in atomic units.

			    -  58  -

The factor F\l\(k), which Sorbello called "amplitude factor",

measures the character of the wave function in the l

representation at the point k on the Fermi surface. It is very

convenient that this expression for &t(k) separates in two

contributions having to do with scattering and Fermi surface

properties separately.
In view of the fact that in both the Hall effect and the dHvA

effect one is interested in averages of the relaxation time

over some representative orbit, the amplitude factors can be

averaged over these same orbits and this average <F\l\> will

then be interpreted as the effective character of the wave

function. As will be shown later on, the hole-like edges of the

second zone are very important for the Hall effect. This has

led us to calculate the <F\l\> for this part of the Fermi

surface and we give these, along with some values of Sorbello

(1974), in Table 4.1
The local F\l\ were obtained with a 4 OPW program and then

averaged over the orbit in question. It is interesting to note

the different character of the <F\l\> distribution when

comparing Al and In. In Al the d-character is constant over

most of the surface, whereas in In the p-character is very

smoothly distributed. The greatest ratio of <F\l\> is for the

s-part between second zone holes and third zone electrons: .18

for Al and 5.2 for In. For the definition of the various bands

and zones refer to figure 4.1.

			    -  59  -

	|		|	|	|	|	|
        | Band and orbit <F\0\(k)> <F\1\(k)> <F\2\(k)> <F\3\(k)>
        |               |       |       |       |       |
	|		|	|	|	|	|


	|		|	|	|	|	|
	|  Second band	|	|	|	|	|
	|  -----------	|	|	|	|	|
	|  total orbit	|  .77	|  .97	| 1.21	|  .86	|
	|		|	|	|	|	|
	| electron-like	|  .83	|  .95	| 1.20	|  .88	|
	|		|	|	|	|	|
	|   hole-like	|  .37	| 1.13	| 1.30	|  .75	|
	|		|	|	|	|	|
	|  Third band	|	|	|	|	|
	|  ----------	|	|	|	|	|
	|  total orbit	| 2.02	|  .33	| 1.13	| 1.24	|
	|		|	|	|	|	|


	|		|	|	|	|	|
	|  Second band	|	|	|	|	|
	|  -----------	|	|	|	|	|
	|  total orbit	| 1.14	| 1.22	|  .68	| 1.06	|
	|		|	|	|	|	|
	| electron-like	| 1.09	| 1.23	|  .70	| 1.06	|
	|		|	|	|	|	|
	|   hole-like	| 1.46	| 1.17	|  .51	| 1.03	|
	|		|	|	|	|	|
	|  Third band	|	|	|	|	|
	|  ----------	|	|	|	|	|
	|  total orbit	|  .28	| 1.29	| 1.24	|  .63	|
	|		|	|	|	|	|


        Table 4.1: <F\l\(k)> for orbits in [110] plane on the

                    Fermi surfaces of Aluminum and Indium.


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2). Conduction in a magnetic field.

a). General expression.
In discussing transport phenomena in magnetic fields it is

imperative to reconsider the Sorbello(1974b) treatment of

relaxation times, but this time in a magnetic field. In fol-

lowing his assumption that the definition of the scattering

term (df\k\/dt)\scatt\ in the Boltzmann equation is given by

-g\k\/&t(k), we can write,
                  df^o^      g\k\    e          dg\k\
(4.5)   e E.v\k\ (- ---)  = ---- + - (v\k\ x H).---
                  dU      &t(k)   h'          dk
where E and H are,respectively, the electric and magnetic field

and U the energy. Our &t(k), appropriate to electronic conduc-

tion in a magnetic field, also obeys, for elastic scattering,
          1              g\k'\
(4.6)   ----  =  $I  (1 - ---) P\kk'\ dk'
        &t(k)             g\k\
This integral equation self-consistently defines the relaxation

time appropriate to the situation in a magnetic field, provided

a solution to eq. 4.5 can be found. This way of defining &t(k)

allows the separation of the problem in the solution of a

linear differential equation and an integral equation. Turning

to the solution of eq. 4.5 and noting that due to the vectorial

character of the second term on the right hand side, the

differentiation d/dk takes place in a plane perpendicular to H

and parallel to the Fermi-surface defined by the delta-function

df^o^/dU, we can write,(see Fig. 4.1)

			    -  61  -

                             g(&f,h)   e v\p\(&f,h) dg(&f,h)
(4.7)   eE v\e\(&f,h) &d(U-U\F\) = ------ + - ------- ------- |H|
                             &t(&f,h)   h'  &r(&f,h)   d&f
In the last equation the variables are now &f and h, where &f

is a phase angle in the plane perpendicular to H and h stands

for k\H\: the part of the k-vector parallel to H. v\p\ is the

velocity perpendicular to the Fermi-surface, v\e\ is the

component of v\p\ parallel to the electric field E, and &r the

curvature radius of the surface at the point &f,h, which

appeared due to the transformation dk\para\ = &rd&f. In the

case of a circular orbit the term in H can be written:

&o\H\.dg/d&f, where &o\H\ = eH/m* is the cyclotron frequency.

The quantity m*, the cyclotron effective mass, can be described

in a local fashion, with our variables, by m* = h'&r/v\p\. We

now see that eq. 4.7 is a linear inhomogeneous differential

equation for g in &f and in our steady state situation the

particular integral can be shown to be, 
                           0                  &f
                h'E           &r''v\e\''       h'     &r'd&f'
(4.8)  g(&f,h) = -- &d(U-U\F\) $I ------- exp(- -- $I  -----) d&f''
                H             v\p\''         eH    &t'v\p\'
                          -$~                 &f''
In this integral, the ' or '' quantities are defined by, for

example, v\p\''=v\p\(&f'',h). The integration only concerns &f

directly; h is a parameter here.

			    -  62  -

This is our generalized form (for any odd shaped Fermi surface)

of the type of equation appearing for instance in Ziman(1964)

p.258 and we quote his description of the formula: "The

displacement of the Fermi surface at the point whose phase

angle is &f is the sum of the displacements created by the

electric field at other points on the orbit, which are then

driven round the orbit by the magnetic field, decaying with the

(integrated) relaxation time &t".
This expression for g(&f,h) can then be inserted in eq.4.6 and

the relaxation time found by iteration. This is the only place

where the relaxation between different h slices comes into the

determination of &t.
Once the relaxation time has thus been determined it can be

inserted in the following expression for the current density

               e                &r
(4.9)   J\ce\ = ----  $I $I $I v\c\ g\e\ -- dU d&f dh
              4&p^3^h'              v\p\
here the subscript e denotes the driving electric field

direction and c the current response direction. When inserting

eq.4.8 in eq. 4.9 the delta-function will take out the energy

integration and tell us that we have to stay on the Fermi

surface. We get, 

			    -  63  -

                      2&p       0                &f
              eE         &r v\c\    &r''v\e\''     -h'   &r'd&f'
(4.10) J\ce\ = ----  $I  $I  ----  $I ------- exp(-- $I -----)d&f''d&fdh
             4&p^3^H         v\p\       v\p\''      eH   &t'v\p\'
                   h  0       -$~               &f''
This is our exact expression for the current tensor, provided

the relaxation time is defined self-consistently by eq.4.6, the

linearized Boltzmann equation is valid (i.e. Ohm's law is

valid) and we are in a non-quantum regime. This equation can be

expanded in the limit of high fields and will lead to the

result that the Hall angle divided by the magnetic field will

tend to a constant proportional to the difference of the

concentration of electron and hole states. (see Ziman(1964) p.

If the integration over the phase angle &f is done in the

extended zone then the electron and hole states are

characterized by the sign of &r and &r'' in eq.4.10. It should

be remembered that a Brillouin zone intersection requires the

use of the reduced zone scheme when following a specific orbit

over the FS; than the &r's will be given an absolute value and

the &f's will be defined with a + or - sign, depending on the

local character of the FS.

			    -  64  -

b). Expansion in powers of H.
In the case of low fields, of interest to us, we see that the

integral in the exponential will be limited to small &f's when

H is small and the integrand can be expanded and integrated.

The factor in front of the exponential can also be expanded in

&f and than the whole integral in &f'' integrated by parts.

This leads to an expansion in powers of H and the first three

terms of the conductivity tensor are,
                   e^2^         &rv\c\ &rv\e\ &tv\p\
(4.11)   &s^o^\ce\  =  ----  $I  $I  --- --- --- d&f dh
                  4&p^3^h'         v\p\  v\p\  &r
                        h  0
                   e^2^   eH         &rv\c\ d   &rv\e\   &tv\p\
(4.12)   &s^1^\ce\  =  ---- (--)  $I  $I  --- -- [---] [---]^2^ d&f dh
                  4&p^3^h'   h'          v\p\ d&f   v\p\    &r
                   e^2^   eH          &rv\c\ d^2^   &rv\e\   &tv\p\
(4.13)   &s^2^\ce\  =  ---- (--)^2^  $I  $I  --- --- [---] [---]^3^ d&f dh
                  4&p^3^h'   h'           v\p\ d&f^2^   v\p\    &r
These integrals are impossible to integrate in a closed form,

because all quantities depend in a complicated way on &f and &t

is to be determined by solving eq.4.6. But there are several

generalities one may remark upon. Due to the definition of &f

it follows that if the FS is made up of several topologically

disconnected bands, each of these bands will have have to be

separately integrated in &f and the expressions for the

different &s\ce\ will then always consist of sums over bands.

(Ignoring the interband scattering effects introduced by


			    -  65  -

If now this separation in bands also entails that the curvature

radii &r are good parameters of each band (which is not always

completely true), then these &r can be taken out from the &f

differentiation. The ratios v\x\/v\p\ are then really only

trigonometric functions of the angle &f and, in the case of

almost cylindrical bands, the orthogonality of cos and sine

functions leads us to identify &s^o^ with the zero field

conductivity, &s^1^ with the Hall conductivity and &s^2^ with

the magneto- conductivity.
We want to stress here again that our newly obtained expres-

sions 4.11,4.12 and 4.13 are exact in the limit of low fields

provided the relaxation times are determined with eq.4.6 for

zero magnetic field. (Sorbello's &t\z\). We have to go to the

second order expansion because, due to symmetry considerations,

it is possible that the first order term is exactly zero.
The low field condition is characterized by the fact that in

expanding the exponential factor in eq.4.10 we assumed that

&o\H\^eff^&t = eH&tv\p\/(h&r) << 1 for all parts of the FS.

Because the curvature radius &r is in the denominator, we see

that the low field limit is given by those parts of the FS with

the smallest curvature radius. In the case of Al or In we can

see in Fig.4.1 that this condition is realized by the hatched

parts, representing the edges of the second zone and that the

low field regime &o\H\^eff^&t << 1 can be located at consi-

derably lower fields than the low field condition &o\H\^fe^&t

<< 1 of the free electron case.

			    -  66  -

3). Definition of 3 band model of the Fermi surface.
In the preceeding paragraph we indicated that one should define

a model which will represent the Fermi surfaces of Indium and

Aluminium. As can be seen from Figs.2.1 and 2.5, it makes sense

to separate them in three bands, each of them with character-

istic, and more or less constant, dimensions. The bands are:

Band 1: The nearly free electron part of the second zone, Band

2: The strongly curved parts of the second zone near to the

Brillioun zones (this is not really a topologically separated

band but we assume we can treat it as such in the limit of low

fields), Band 3: The third zone "monster".(Only this band is

radically different in Al and In)
We assume that these bands are of a pseudo-cylindrical shape;

naturally this is a very rough approximation, but it is the

only way to obtain an almost quantitative picture of the

behaviour of the galvanomagnetic effects. Then the formulas

4.11,12,13 will be reduced, for each band, to a multiplication

of appropriate averaged quantities <&r\i\>, <&f\i\>, <h\i\>,

<v\i\> and <S\i\>. (Here S is the surface to be used in the

usual resistivity formula and h is the length of the pseudo-

cylinder. We will drop the averaging brackets from now on and

assume that our quantities are always averaged values).

			    -  67  -


		FIGURE 4.1

	Figure 4.1: 3 Band model of Fermi surface.
Fig.4.1 represents a [110] section of the FS of Al and shows

the three aforementioned bands. The picture of this section in

In would not be radically different; the main differences can

be seen by comparing Fig.2.2 and 2.6. The limiting points of

the hole like band 2 are fixed by the inflection points in

curvature and we assign a total value for the angle: &f\2\ =

4&f\2a\ + 2&f\2b\ and also &f\1\ = &f\2\ - 2&p and clearly

&f\3\ = 4&p.

			    -  68  -

The evaluation of the lengths h\i\ is critical because it

implies an averaging procedure; we ignored this complication

and directly took the extremal dimensions of the FS. The second

zones of Al and In are quite similar, but the third zone of In

has only 1/3 of the Al length when averaged over all

directions. We give the results for this model in Table 4.2.

All dimensions and the average velocities were calculated with

a 4-OPW program and are given in computational units and

radians. In these units a FCC trivalent metal free electron

sphere has a volume of 6 and a surface of 18. The sign of the

total phase angle shows if the band is electron or hole like.
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
        | Band  |  1/&r\i\ |   &f\i\  |   h\i\  |   S\i\  |   v\i\  |
        |       |       |       |       |       |       |
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|


	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   1	|   .90	| -2.45	|  1.65	| 10.0	|  1.05	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   2	| 11.50	|  8.75	|  1.65	|  1.4	|  0.75	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   3	|  9.50	| -6.30	|  0.35	|  2.1	|  0.90	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|


	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   1	|   .90	| -3.15	|  1.75	| 10.5	|  1.10	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   2	|  9.00	|  9.45	|  1.60	|  1.9	|  0.90	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	|   3	| 18.00	| -6.30	|  2.30	|  3.30	|  0.75	|
	|	|	|	|	|	|	|


	Table 4.2: Parameters of 3 band model of Fermi

		   surfaces of In and Al.
