Emulator /
ProcessorClass: Proc, BusRegMemAs already mentioned earlier, the Processor logic runs with a thread that takes up all of the PCs resources. This thread runs in Module Proc which is initially loaded by Main8 and modifies the corresponding values of the data object in BusRegMem. It branches into the 3 states Fetch, Defer, Execute and updates the virtual timer. The Fetch state branches mainly into the normal instructions, the IOT and OPR use device modules and the EAE extension for further processing. Helpful in implementing the main flow of the emulator were the following documents: Basic MAINDECS have been tested successfully. In the PDP8.Tests folder you will find the respective programs. They are also stored on disk MyProgs-22-04-07 of Disks.Working as .SV save files (Except the the ones marked BIN or RIM Loader, which have to be loaded from the PDP8.Tests folder).